With better user experience and link trust, Branded Affiliate URLs have real "clickability", benefiting both Affiliates and Merchants.
Branded Affiliate URLs are perfect for all Affiliates, and are especially ideal for social media, and anywhere else the link is visible such as in email marketing, YouTube and more.
Branded Affiliate URLs replaces our name in the Affiliate URL with a domain name of your choice.
Creating Affiliate URLs with meaning, carrying your brand name and creating beautiful looking links for your Affiliates to use. Set-up, registration and integration are all taken care of by us.
Branded Affiliate URLs helps you create a truly professional looking Affiliate Program which you will just love to share with your partners and influencers.
Branded Affiliate URLs takes everything you already love about our links, such as deep linking and easy link creation, but with links which are shorter, clean and meaningful to your audience.
With no need to use URL shorteners, and the ability to customise the link to include your name, Branded Affiliate URLs can help increase conversion, commission and click-through rates.
Branded Affiliate URLs are the default link in the Affiliate Control Panel, simply create your links as normal to be given a Branded Affiliate URL on supported Merchants.