Date joined Paid On Results: 05th March 2015
Affiliate Acceptance: Merchant Approval
Cookie Length: 60 Day(s)
Merchant URL:
Product Feed: Yes
Dalila's Kaftans is an United Kingdom based online international shop. Regularly shipping to the UK, the USA and to Australia. Our product appeal to a wide range of people from various paths of life. Kaftans dresses are typically free sizes dresses favourited amongst plus sizes.
Product range includes
Fantastic benefits are available to our Affiliates
This Affiliate Program has now closed.
Program Restrictions
PPC Restrictions: Affiliates are asked to please refrain from bidding on the brand name "Dalila's Kaftans", "" or confusingly similar misspellings or derivatives of the word, full or separations on search engines. We also ask that affiliates do not bid on brand names + generic terms. Please negative match all possible brand keywords. Commission made via bidding on our brand terms or brand + generic will be cancelled.
Affiliates wishing to promote through search engine or via a landing page should first contact the account management team to discuss this. Affiliates applying to Dalila's Kaftans programme may find that their application is declined. All affiliates campaigns must be run by the Account Manager first. Any affiliate found to be running a campaign who has not had approval from directly may have their commission removed.
Display URL: Affiliates are requested not to use domains owned by as their display URL in any paid search campaign without express written permission. This includes,,,,, and
Voucher Codes: Please only use voucher/coupon/promotion codes which have been issued directly from Dalila's Kaftans or is those avaiable via the Paid On Results Voucher Manager. Affiliates must not feature any other coupon/promotion codes such as those found in, but not limited to, magazines or printed media, nor must publishers cite a URL to a coupon/promotion code anywhere on their website which has not came from Dalila's Kaftans or Paid On Results Voucher Manager. Commissions on all orders when an unauthorised promotion code has been used will be cancelled.
Domain Restrictions: Affiliates should not use our company name or brand terms directly within a TLD (top level domain) or sub domain as this could be seen as passing off to potential customers. Affiliates are welcome to use our name within a directory/file structure.
- Example 1: (BAD)
- Example 2: (ACCEPTABLE)
Affiliates may not put website into frames or use masked URLs.
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