Date joined Paid On Results: 14th September 2021
Affiliate Acceptance: Merchant Approval
Cookie Length: 14 Day(s)
Merchant URL:
PlusHeat offers extensive home emergency cover, which covers the whole of the UK.
Why work with PlusHeat
We pay a high fixed commission per conversion. You bring in sales, we keep things simple and pay you with a lucrative, easy to understand commission structure.
Join our affiliate program today's to receive an unmatched commission structure in our industry.
Home Emergency Cover.
Standard plan
Premium Plan
Platinum Plan
Target Market
Validation Period
The validation process may take several months, typically around two months from the plan activation/start date due to the 14-day cooling off period and subject to the customers first two payments.
Program Commission Tiers
Platinum Plan
£30.00 per valid sale
Premium Plan
£20.00 per valid sale
Standard Plan
£10.00 per valid sale
Custom Plan
£0.00 per valid sale
Additional Information
Transactions are initially tracked at 0p commission. The commission will be confirmed after the 14-day cooling-off period and subject to the customers first two payments being collected, meaning that validation will take around two months.
Program Restrictions
PPC Restrictions: We ask affiliates to please refrain from bidding on the brand name "PlusHeat", "", or confusingly similar misspellings or derivatives of the word, full or seperations on PPC search engines.