Date joined Paid On Results: 28th January 2013
Affiliate Acceptance: Merchant Approval
Cookie Length: 60 Day(s)
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A bit of fun about the weasel
The Weasel was born in 2004, and right from birth he was destined to be snooty! He quickly understood how difficult it could be to find gifts that were just a little bit different. With his parents having a new litter of up 7 kittens (baby weasels to us!) every few weeks, he clearly ran out original gifts to buy for his family.
So he did what all good weasels would do, he setup shop himself designing original and innovative gifts. As weasels have a bit of a sweet tooth, unlike their wholly carnivorous cousins the stoats, he decided that confectionery gifts would be the best bet.
As our hero the weasel spent so much time designing original confectionery creations he found little time to cook for himself, so in a moment of inspiration he designed the ultimate solution, Take-Away confectionery. Hence the Snooty Weasel became world renowned for his Take Away confectionery gifts of Egg-Fried Mice, Sweet Prawn Noodles and other delicious confectionery dishes.
As demand grew with sales to all three corners of the world (the fourth corner is Australia and no weasels live there!) he realised the natural progression was to take the business online, thus was born, home to a variety of take away confectionery gifts. So whether you are looking for Party Bags for a celebration, Wedding Favours, a gift for someone who has everything or just a treat for yourself, you can be sure you will find only the highest quality gifts at because the weasel remains snooty to his roots.
What we offer
Benefits to our affiliates
Demographics and reasons for purchases
80% of customers are women, with a 50/50 split across the age ranges 18-35 and 36-55. Products are popular all year around often as gifts for male relations or children, but a significant number of products are also purchased for girls nights in and other social occasions.
Affiliate Manger
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Program Restrictions
PPC Restrictions: We ask affiliates to please refrain from bidding on the brand name "Snooty Weasel", "", or confusingly similar misspellings or derivatives of the word, full or seperations on PPC search engines.
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