Date joined Paid On Results: 11th April 2017
Affiliate Acceptance: Merchant Approval
Cookie Length: 60 Day(s)
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Product Feed: Yes is one of the UK's largest Swegway / Hoverboard shops. We offer quality boards at very competitive prices, with a 365 day warranty and top notch customer service.
Our boards are safe, CE approved and built to UK electical safety spec. We always ship from UK stock. This was 2016's must have gadget, and the market remains strong for Christmas and Birthdays throughout the year.
Our main market is parents buying Swegway boards for children between 9 and 15 years of age.
We offer:
Our Upgraded 2017 model Classic Swegway with 6.5 inch wheels, and our popular 8 inch wheel Huracan model.
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Program Restrictions
PPC Restrictions: We ask affiliates to please refrain from bidding on the brand name "The Official Swegway", "", or confusingly similar misspellings or derivatives of the word, full or seperations on PPC search engines.
The Official Swegway Sample Creative